Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We praise the Lord for having settled in to te USA. One of our prayers was to be able to make non Christian friends, build relationships and be used by Him to lead people to the Lord in the USA. That has not been as esay as we first thought it would be. However, we praise God that last month both Lupita and I were able to each lead someone to the Lord here in the USA. God has been so good. Please pray for Ricardo, a young dentist that I had the privilege of leading to Jesus and for Andrea, a nine year old girl, that Lupita lead to Christ the very same day!

Today we leave for Haiti for one week. We will have an intensive schedule for 8 days. All of the national church leaders and OMS Haiti leadership will be meeting together so that we can discuss and come to agreement on future vision and srtaegy. We will also be working with the OMS team on leadership structure and aligning ministry to vision. This is a very important week for the Lord's work in Haiti. Please pray God's spirit would lead and His name be glorified as we work together.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Haiti update

The last few months have seen ministry in the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Columbia and Haiti. We would like you to focus your prayers on the country of Haiti. Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and, with its spiritual legacy of voodoo still a significant force, the spiritual needs are great. OMS has currently engaged in a wide range of ministry activities, each of which has much potential to deeply transform the lives of the Haitian people. (Click on the picture to find out more about OMS's ministry in Haiti)

It was exciting to see the medical centre function. It treats the physical needs of over 50,000 people a year while also attempting to share with them the hope that is in Christ. The radio station 4VEH broadcasts to all Haiti and beyond, sharing that salvation is found in Christ while also providing educational programming which facilitates stability and growth in basic areas of Haitian society.

The seminary is actively focused on the spiritual formation and biblical training of young Haitian Christians that will soon give much needed leadership to the Haitian church. The OMS team is a good size, growing and filled with talented people called of God to make a difference. There is indeed much to be excited about when we prayerfully contemplate what God wants to do through OMS in the this county of much need.